1st Trip at SM City San Lazaro
I know this may sound funny but actually this is my first time to enter and explore SM City San Lazaro.
Okay you may laugh but it is true. The 1st time that I've been in Manila was during my internship at San Lazaro, Manila but we just passed through the street. The 2nd time, was during my Teacher's Examination but just like the 1st time, we just passed through it. Then the 3rd time, I passed through this mall again when I went to Bambang, Manila to buy a spare part for my BP apparatus. I had a detour that time so I happened to pass by the mall. Now for the last time, I finally experienced the San Lazaro SM! This was the first time that I entered the mall. No kidding, really that was the first time.
There was a huge number of mall goers entering the premises of the mall. Probably, just to refresh themselves, since it was very hot outside.
Others were busy doing their shopping due to the fact that some brands or boutiques were offering a discount on some selected items.
In every mall, they have a "play ground" for the children to enjoy. When we were young, our mother does not allowed us to have this fun at the mall.
Ate Glen and I ate binatog, it was composed of corn, coconut, milk and your chosen flavor (ube, butter, cheese). Way back in the good old days, our late Grandmother would add sugar to make it sweet.
The food court was filled with customers wanting to try various kind of dishes. You may found their Jolllibee and other fast food chain.
As the sun bade farewell, the night welcomed us all, and the mall goers do not seem to care if it was already late. They still want to go to the mall.
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