A Special Kiss

                After our night class at the graduate school, my friend and I dined at the nearby restaurant across the street. It was raining cats and dogs at that time, so we waited a little bit more for the rain to subsides. While taking a bite of the burger steak, I prayed to God that I want to see “T”. When the rain finally stopped, we headed out of the restaurant. Along the sidewalk the cold wind touched my cheeks and I embraced myself even more, pretending he was with me. The gloomy night made me even wished to see him once again. There were less people on the streets so it added to the gloomy effect of the rain. As I whispered his name in the air I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. I allowed the chilling breeze to envelope me. Upon opening my eyes, he was already standing in front of me.
He was wearing his usual self; eyeglasses, grey pants and black sweat shirt which revealed the masculinity of his chest. The straps of his Jan sport back pack were over his shoulders. Our eyes locked and time froze. It was the first time I came so close with him. In that given seconds, his soul transcends into his beautiful dark eyes. No words could surmise the beating of my heart. The anatomical parts of my cardiovascular could not figure out how to transport and receive blood from my extremities.  As he murmured the words ‘How are you?’ his gentle lips met mine. Neither the rain drops nor the cold wind could steal this from us. We own this surreal night!

                By the time I opened my eyes, I am lying on my bed with my comforter covering my goddess physique. I was still wearing my night dress. The cold humidity was the fault of the air-con. My sister changed the thermostat into the highest temperature. The thought that “T” was the one I’m kissing, actually it was my pillow. The surreal giggle I am having was a dream --- sweet, hopeless romantic one.


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