Up For A Change
Ever since he is elected from the office, his "Change Persona" seems to be felt nationwide. But what I am most concern about is the left and right mass murder committed by the vigilantes group.
Since May 2016 there are reports claiming hundreds of drug pushers and drug users are surrendering. In addition to that, even police officers admit that they are into drugs as well.
However, my most concern is the massive killing either suspected drug users - pushers. Some or majority of them do not receive proper due process of law.
The middle men or the users are the ones being killed in a gun fight. But the "big fish" are not. They have a slight opportunity to file a case in order for them to redeem their names. Unlike for those who are gunned down, no light of chance to clear their names. Witnesses claim that those who are killed of suspected drug involvement did not fought back but still police reports say they tried to fight back. So which side is true?
Surrender or not, every citizen has the right to know or be educated with their rights. I think before a suspected drug user or pusher being caught and put to jail, he or she must be oriented with Miranda rights. That the accused person:
1. Shall have the right to remain silent.
2. Anything you say might be against you.
3. The right to talk to a lawyer and may have him present during the questioning.
4. if you cannot have a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning as you wish.
5. You can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not to answer to any questions.
The church stands for its belief to preserve life and spread love. There are some other ways to stop the killing on drugs. They can change once given the opportunity to go into rehab and be educated.
I do get the point that the world will become a better place once prohibited drugs are eradicated from this world. There are also innocent lives that are lost because of drugs. But let us see this in a perspective manner, the society per se. Are we condemning or being numb in the killings? The country has now turned into a complete blood bath. Now that the president ordered a shoot to kill to those politicians who are involve in drugs. I wonder when will be the end of this killings.
For me, life is simple. Live according to your means and not above to your means. Work hard for your dreams and not a shortcut method to achieve it.
At the end of the road, God will be the one to judge us based on what we did during our lifetime.
Always pray for guidance. I pray for peace in my beloved mother country, Philippines.
PS: All pictures are taken from www.google.com
The middle men or the users are the ones being killed in a gun fight. But the "big fish" are not. They have a slight opportunity to file a case in order for them to redeem their names. Unlike for those who are gunned down, no light of chance to clear their names. Witnesses claim that those who are killed of suspected drug involvement did not fought back but still police reports say they tried to fight back. So which side is true?
Surrender or not, every citizen has the right to know or be educated with their rights. I think before a suspected drug user or pusher being caught and put to jail, he or she must be oriented with Miranda rights. That the accused person:
1. Shall have the right to remain silent.
2. Anything you say might be against you.
3. The right to talk to a lawyer and may have him present during the questioning.
4. if you cannot have a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning as you wish.
5. You can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not to answer to any questions.
I do get the point that the world will become a better place once prohibited drugs are eradicated from this world. There are also innocent lives that are lost because of drugs. But let us see this in a perspective manner, the society per se. Are we condemning or being numb in the killings? The country has now turned into a complete blood bath. Now that the president ordered a shoot to kill to those politicians who are involve in drugs. I wonder when will be the end of this killings.
For me, life is simple. Live according to your means and not above to your means. Work hard for your dreams and not a shortcut method to achieve it.
At the end of the road, God will be the one to judge us based on what we did during our lifetime.
Always pray for guidance. I pray for peace in my beloved mother country, Philippines.
RIP to those perished |
PS: All pictures are taken from www.google.com
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