Valentine's Day

Valentine Dinner Date

        Just last Valentine’s Day for the first time I’ve dated myself. After class hours, I immediately changed my outfit and off I went. From Cainta, Junction, I took an FX ride bound for Makati City (not knowing that the FX driver would not directly drop me at my designated venue). The place was located at the Fully Book Store, The Fort. It was a night full of inspiring messages about marriage and relationship between God and his people.

          Though I am dating myself, all throughout the night I never felt alone. The said event was lovely. For the first time they had welcomed those who were single – looking and even for those who were mending a broken heart.
Me and my new friends 
          I am the first attendee to arrive (I’m not totally excited, not so much). Bro. Orange and Bro. George Gabriel asked me several times if I am expecting a companion and I told them I am not expecting someone. Hmmmmm...that day I thought my friend Maybel (my fellow usherette in Feast Pasig) would come too but unexpectedly they had an event at work so she could not come with me in the Valentine’s Date Dinner.

One of the Special Guest Lead vocalist of Session Road 

          Though I am the only one single in our table and all of the other attendees who joined me in the table were married, I could say that I am fine with that. That night I told to myself that "AC sitting side by side with these married couples is a glimpse of your future. Few days from now you will be attending the same event with someone holding you close to his heart. Have faith and you will see that everything you wish for will come true."  The night was full sharing about how the speakers found their spouses and fiances while serving the Lord.

Bro. Bo and his wife, Marowe

          Actually, I felt happy knowing that our table was next to the VIP’s table. Bro. Bo Sanchez was there with his wife. Another VIP’s were Sis.Rissa Singson – Kawpeng with her hubby; Bro. Obet “Daddy O” Cabrillas with Mama Joy (that’s how we call Bro. Obet and his wife in Feast Pasig).   And of course the host of the night was none other than Bro. George Gabriel, his wife was there too.

Bro. George and Sis. Rissa

          Before the night end, Sister Rissa told us her story about how she waited for so long to find her future husband. She shared that if she would be given a chance she would still have chosen the single life. Addition to that, she told us that those who are still single enjoy the state of your life. According to her the “singlehood” is the preparation for marriage. Furthermore, in that process you could assess yourself if you are meant for married life or single blessedness. She concludes that God will give your future partner when He knows that you are ready to love and with the responsibilities that comes with it.

Bro. Bo and Bro. Migs

          It was really a wonderful night. Indeed, save the best for last. Bro. Bo was the last sharer how he found God and the love of his life. Though in the community we heard a lot of times his story about how he met his wife, still we never grew tired to hear it. He told us that he was thankful that there was this certain woman who rejected him when he was in the mid-20. If ever that woman did not rejected him he would never met the “monoblock chair” of his life, which turned out to be his future wife. He told us that he went through pain when it occurred to his life. But he did not lost his reason that maybe God have a better plan for him. He narrated that God may take away something from us to give us something greater than we expected or wish for.

          Bro. Bo also told us that the reason why his marriage is a success it’s because he and his wife never argued. He shared to us that in their 1st year of marriage it was very devastating. They never stopped from fighting. Then one night, at their bedroom, they came to the point that they want to depart their ways. Then he felt that God was talking to him. Then God told him “Bo this is the first and last time that you will insult my covenant.” At that moment, he felt sorry to God and apologizes for offending him. He and his wife prayed and asked for forgiveness. Then he told to himself “Bo remember you married a woman and not a man.”

Bro. Bo Sanchez

          Hence, he compared how he and his wife were alike in terms of sorting of clothes to wear in an event. He said that whenever they would go out he would dress up within 5 to 15 minutes unlike his wife it would last until 45 to 50 minutes (if my memory is correct). Then he would tell to himself that “Bo you married a woman and not a man.”           

Bro, George and the Music Ministry of BGC 

          Bro. Bo also advises to those who were married should remember the things they admired with their spouses, as well as their spouses’ body part that they really like the most. (Additional tip that I’ve got hehehehehehe J)
Feast BGC Music Ministy

          Before we went home, they sang the song Testify to love. As for me the lessons I gained from attending the dinner date were in every state of your life whether single or married, you have to be ready with life’s surprises. Of course, being single is not a bad luck, it only means that God is preparing you for your future partner. God is omniscient, he heard our prayers. As a single person, we should have list that contains the qualities that we want in our future partners but we should bear in mind that God will still give the best for us. Love knows no boundaries nor race nor colour.  It will find you when your heart is prepared for its majestic gift. 

The group is singing Seasons of Love 

The group is singing Testify to Love 


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